Party Poker Anonymous Hand History Converter

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The FTR Tournament Trimmer was developed to condense the long string of hand histories from a multi-table or single-table tournament into something much shorter and easier to read. The idea with this tournament hand history converter is to condense meaningless hands where our hero simply folds. The hands are condensed into a single line of text – quickly showing the cards, the action, and our hero’s M value (M Value is the ratio of the user’s stack to the initial pot. This is calculated by dividing the user’s stack by the sum of blinds and antes – the inital pot). The hands that our hero does get involved with are then displayed in detail.

If you’re looking to get even more out of the trimmer, be sure to check out a new tool – Poker Stats DB. The Poker Stats DB tool allows you to trim tournaments, and gives additional features, such as – comparing your tournament to seasoned professionals, look at potential leaks in your game, and analyze important stats. You can also post your results in any poker forum!

The FTR Tournament Trimmer currently supports PokerStars, Full Tilt, and Party Poker.

Click here if you’d like to see an example of the output for a complete Poker Stars Sit-n-Go produced from the FTR Tournament Trimmer.

As of June 17th, 2019 clients removed saving hand history files to your hard drive. In countries where the client is used there is no HUD support. You can request emailed hand history files from Partypoker directly to do anonymous session reviews from client and this is fully supported in HM3.

  • Other online poker software allows you to replay hands or even whole tournaments in a format that looks very similar to an actual online poker table. The online poker hand converter tool allows you to post a hand history from nearly every online poker site in an easy to read format.
  • Hello, I played cash game HU on the Party Poker. HM2 don't see names villains. In my databess i see only 1 villain Player 1. It contains all hands with all games with another players. In real time I see hands with actually sesion (non player names). When another player sit too me (in the same table) I see old statistic from previus player.
  • The Ignition Hand History converter solves this problem by converting hand histories directly from Ignition Casino, Bodog Poker or Bovada poker into an easily importable format for use with your Holdem Manager 1/2, Poker Tracker 3/4, or Poker Office database. Easy-to-use interface that makes tracking your play on Ignition Casino simple and easy.
  • Aug 01, 2017 Changes to Party Poker hand histories The latest announcement coming from the room explains that starting with October 5 2016, all hand history files will become anonymous. This means that players will only be able to see their own aliases, while rest of the players at any particular table will be designated as Player 1, Player 2, etc.

The README-web.txt

* Tournament Trimmer v 1.1 w *
* (February 2007) *
* *


Party Poker Anonymous Hand History Converter

The Tournament Trimmer was created to help poker players in the
analysis of Texas Hold’em tournaments. The program prompts the
user for information about the file(s) to be analyzed, then
parses through the files, performing calculations for M and
condensing hands in which the user folds preflop to a single line.

The condensed history follows the following format:
[Cards] Position (M Value; action preceding user + User Action)

*Cards are the cards dealt to the user.
*Position is the position the user occupied at the table
(determined by the location of the dealer button).
This is one of:
UTG, UTG+1, UTG+2, MP1, MP2, CO-1, CO, BU, SB, BB.
*M Value is the ratio of the user’s stack to the initial pot.
This is calculated by dividing the user’s stack by the sum of
blinds and antes.
*Action preceding the user represents the action seen before the
user acted preflop. Actions are separated by a + sign. Each
action is represented by a lowercase letter: c means called,
f means folded, p means pushed all-in, r means raised.
*User Action represents the action taken by the user. The same
translation as above applies, however the actions taken by the
user are represented by capitol letters.

[2s 3c] UTG+1 (M=50.00; r+F)
The user was dealt 2s and 3c as his down cards, was second to act,
had 50 times the sum of blinds and antes, faced a raise from the
player who was first to act, and chose to fold.


Please send refer as many people as you would like to use this tool!

The Tournament Trimmer was developed by JeffreyGB from It is freely available as a PHP form at


1) Go to
2) Fill out the form
-select Site
-change alias if desired
-browse to file
3) Click “Trim Tournament” button at the bottom of the page
4) After processing, the “Output” block will fill with the trimmed
tournament history. Analyze here or copy and paste to another location.


Future Features
PHP version:
-Support for additional poker sites:
*Absolute Poker
-Handle names with spaces


Other versions:
-No longer under development


Known Issues
-Names with spaces: Currently, names with spaces in them result
in an error. Future versions will address this.


Version History
-Corrected display bug in Full Tilt hands.

-Offical release!

-Fixed bugs in combining the two versions
-Added html output
-Changed validation process
-Updated archival support
-Combined features of 0.9.8w with 0.9.7w.
-Added archival support
-Added beautification options (to make posting hand histories
more attractive in forums)
-Additional filtration for Party Poker
-Abbreviated antes display for Party Poker
-Improved chat filtration for Full Tilt and Party Poker
-Corrected handling of “folded to hero’s BB” situations
-Corrected display of stacks for people who are sitting out
-Altered support for multiple files:
*Removed checkbox
*Added “number of files” selection
*Coded reloading to allow simultaneous multiple file upload
-Added support for multiple files via add-to-previous checkbox
-Corrected antes and related M calculation for Full Tilt
-Added support for Party Poker
-Added support for Full Tilt
-Corrected parsing of Stars histories in email format
-Moved to php interface hosted at
-Updated README to reflect facts about php interface rather than
dos-based exe; previous versions of the README are available by
request only. To obtain one, send a private message to JeffreyGB
on the Forums at
-Current support exists only for PokerStars

0.8 (never officially released):
-Corrected implementation for Full Tilt hand histories.
-Added filtering to remove rebuy notifications from Stars rebuy
tournament histories.

-Corrected issues related to Pokerstars histories in the alternate
(emailed) format. Biggest change = correction to blinds computation
and M calculation.
-Corrected processing of hands folded to hero’s BB. Previously these
hands resulted in a message stating that hero did not play in the hand.
-Added a check for missing files during processing of multi-file
tournaments. Previously program only detected when the first file
was missing and produced errors when other files were missing.
-Fixed M calculation (again):
*Pokerstars when no antes are present. This was previously resolved, and
yet somehow version 0.7.1 undid the fix. Corrected again.
*Party limit tournaments (if “Blinds(” is not present, look for “Stakes(“)
-Added support for the syntax Party uses when emailing histories.
-Added warning about post size limitation for online forums (displayed
for histories exceeding 65535 characters).
-Restructured method for storing/outputting hands to minimize I/O
-Added feature to print Stats at the beginning of a history.
-Added feature to replace Hero’s name with “Hero”.
-No longer case-sensitive on site selection.
-Added filtering to PP to remove “You have options…!!!” announcements.
-Added support for typing file without including .txt
-Altered order of questions (for non-PS sites).
-Corrected link display in Party histories.
-Correct M calculation with no antes present at Party
-Fixed infinite loop when files do not exist: program will now announce
when start file could not be found

-Abbreviated antes section – previously the hand was listed as
in the original history; now the lines about posting the ante
are condensed to a single line stating that all players post
the ante.
-Added support for Ultimate Bet (UB).
-Added support for Full Tilt (FT).

-Renamed program.
-Altered output slightly to fit new name and additional stylistic
-Corrected infinite loop encountered in some malformed hands.
-Added support for slightly non-standard format of Poker Stars
histories exported from Poker Tracker.
-Altered output slightly for stylistic/linking reasons.
-Altered help text.
-Added support for processing multiple files on sites which do
not save all tables to the same file. Files must be entered in
the order in which play occurred. The program will produce one
output file, regardless of how many files are processed for input.
-Added support for Paradise Poker histories. Because Paradise Poker
does not save histories to a player’s hard drive, they must be
copied from email sent by Paradise Poker. The history should end
before the line of dashes on the final hand.

-Corrected calculation of M when antes are included. Previous
versions assumed a full table of antes. As of 0.4, the number
of players at each table is computed before adding in the antes,
resulting in a more accurate starting pot (and M) when short-handed.
-Added auto-detection of player identity from the first hand history.
-Altered execution/prompts to reflect the new ability to auto-detect
player identity from the first hand history.
-Added support for single-file parsing of Party Poker histories.
Since Party Poker saves each table in a different file, each must
be run separately and combined together manually.
-Updated error message to reflect new execution conditions
(and to launch before prompting the user for any information).

-Corrected calculation of M when antes are included. Previous
versions did not detect antes correctly. As of 0.3, they are
detected, multiplied by 9 (number of players at a full Stars table),
and added to the blinds and antes.

-Renovated code to C++ to allow easier GUI creation and .exe
-Only PokerStars support is fully completed.
-Double-click execution not supported (cmd-line arguments must be

-Created .jar to enable double-click execution (if no arguments
are given, user will be prompted for the required information).
-Initial distribution. Java implementation supporting single-file
processing of histories for Party Poker and Pokerstars.


Special thanks to Xianti, Eric, Tyson, Sykedupp, and other members of for their help in concept and testing
for the Tournament Trimmer.

Registering Ignition Hand Grabber App
Automated Setup
Status Window
Zone Poker
Enabling And Disabling The App
This guide is for the Ignition Hand Grabber App, which you can use to generate hand history files as you play at Ignition, Bovada or Bodog.
For help configuring Ignition imports in Holdem Manager 3 please Read This guide.
To register for the Ignition Hand Grabber App visit this page.
You will need your license information which you can access once you are logged into
Once you are registered, launch Holdem Manger 3 (restart if it's already running) and the app will be downloaded and installed automatically.
The App will launch automatically when you start Holdem Manager 3, and run in the background and generate hand histories as long as Holdem Manager 3 is open.
Note: The App can only grab hands correctly when tables are opened after the App is already running.
Please ensure that Holdem Manager 3 is running before you open your Ignition tables.
Tip! For the hands to be imported into Holdem Manager 3 as you play you need to make sure the HUD is running. There's a start/stop HUD button in the top right of Holdem Manager 3.

Most of the time you do not need to interact with the App directly, but a menu is added to the Apps menu to allow interaction.
Here you can open the Status window to see whether the App is connected to an Ignition skin, which tables hands are being generated for, and where the hand histories are being written to, as well as the current version of the App.
There is also an options button here (the cog) to allow you to enable grabbing of Zone (fast fold) hands. See the Zone Poker section of this guide for information on Zone hand generation.
Grabbing of Zone Poker hands is disabled by default because grabbing these hands during play only allows us to generate partial hand histories up to the point in the hand at which you fold. This will give correct win/loss results for hero, but hero's other stats and villains' data will not be correct in hands where you fast-fold.
Because the players are anonymous and change every hand the HUD cannot be shown even if hands are importing as you play.
You will get better data for Zone hands by importing the complete hand histories that you can download from the Ignition client after 24 hours.
We recommend either leaving Zone hand grabbing disabled and using only the downloaded histories for Zone hands, or manually importing the downloaded hands to the same database 24+ hours after the session as instructed in our Ignition Poker Setup Guide to update the stats that may be inaccurate from the grabbed hands -
Party poker anonymous hand history converter calculator If you want to enable grabbing of Zone hands as you play you can do so via the Options (gear) button on the Status window.
If you want to temporarily disable the Ignition Hand Grabber App you can do so by clicking Apps / Ignition Hand Grabber and clicking Disable Ignition Hand Grabber.
To enable the Ignition Hand Grabber, click the same menu described above and select 'Enable Ignition Hand Grabber'.
  • The Ignition (or Bovada/Bodog) software must be running in English for the Hand Grabber App to work. You can change the language using the dropdown menu at the top of the lobby window.
  • The Ignition Hand Grabber App can only correctly grab hands from Ignition tables which are opened after the App is already running. Please ensure that you have Holdem Manager 3 open before you join your tables.

Hand History Replayer

  • Player names are fully anonymous in the Ignition software. Holdem Manager 3 will generate unique names for each player, which are updated as players leave and join the table. This works the same in grabbed hands as it does in hands you later download from Ignition. You will appear as 'Hero' in Holdem Manager 3. Other players will have long 'random' names which begin with their seat number, so the name of the player in seat 1 will begin with 'P1-', etc.
  • Because of the way that the player names are generated you will often get different opponent names when importing grabbed and downloaded hand history files. This is due to the observed hands before you sit in, and the extra hole card information in downloaded histories can't be applied when grabbed hands with different player names are already in the database.
    To work around this you can import the downloaded histories to a separate database for analysis. Bear in mind that this information is of limited value though, because you won't know when you meet players again, and this is information that you did not have when you played the hand.

Poker Hand History Converter

  • It is not possible to display a HUD at Zone poker tables as every hand has different anonymous players.
    Grabbing of Zone hands is disabled by default. See the Zone Poker section of this guide for more information and how to enable Zone grabbing.